The above picture of my nails is on Day 5 and it still hasn't chipped! Mind you, I did apply 4 coats to deepen the greeny-blue shade and I'm happy I did. If you have fair skin you can get away with applying 2 coats. It goes on a beautiful sea foam-blue colour. I had to do 4 coats to avoid a yellowy cast on my skin. It's definitely a colour that will get noticed and don't be surprised if you get a few questioning stares lol. It's non-streaky and inexpensive coming in at $2.99 CDN a bottle (and can be found at your local drugstore - PharmaPlus in Canada)! If you love colour and like to have fun with it you'll definitely love this shade for Spring and Summer! I think the next fun colour I'll be doing is an orange-coral! Happy shopping!