I'm proud to be apart of some of the biggest beauty site communities - TotalBeauty.com, The Beauty Blog Network and Chick Advisor! It's nice to know the world is taking notice and considering us valuable assets to the world of beauty. Here are the latest press news:
TotalBeauty.com's Kristen Nelson made an appearance on CW11 Morning News discussing "Beauty Through The Years". She gave some really great tips on skin care issues each age should be focusing on with recommended products. Check it out
TotalBeauty.com is also featured in
Glamour Magazine!
Elke Von Freudenberg, celebrity makeup artist and founder of
The Beauty Blog Network is featured in the Winter 2008 issue of
On Makeup Magazine! Come Spring the network will be welcoming its 100 member!! Congrats!
Chick Advisor's feature on
CBC's Fortune Hunters aired back in January so this isn't new but we're still excited about it! I'm really excited for founders, Ali and Alex De Bold, because they have a lot of exciting things coming up very soon! I'm really happy to be apart of the team as their Makeup Expert and to return as the key makeup artist for the 2nd season of
"Where'd You Get That?"!