"Make-up artists should hereby get the Nobel Prize for adding to human happiness. And so should hairdressers." by Sophie Kinsella Shopaholic and Baby
I've been a big fan of Sophie Kinsella and all her Shopaholic series for a long time. Her books are a light read and witty. I came across this line in her book that I just had to post because it's so true! Many times my co-workers and other make-up artists have felt undervalued at our job. I give props to all my fellow make-up artists that work at cosmetic counters because many times we are just not given enough credit. We beautify, act as a fill-in therapist the majority of the time, and are constantly stroking someone's ego. We are often judged right off the bat as being mean or snobby based on our appearance (I know - the beauty industry is all about appearances!). When we say "hi" don't automatically think we're trying to shove products down your throat. Many times I've said "hi" and received a, "I'm just looking thanks". If you're looking that's perfectly fine, but only say that when we ask you if you need help. If I'm mistaken hi simply means hi and should be responded accordingly, no? If you're in a hurry don't huff and puff if there's a long lineup. We do the best we can to quickly help each customer. If you need something quickly and are in a hurry don't come during rush hour.
Don't get me wrong - I've come across a fair share of make-up artists that ignore customers and walk in the other direction when they come their way. From my experience if you've come across a rude make-up artist it's usually because a customer has put them in a bad mood. However, it does not mean it gives us the right to take it out on customers. I think if you explain in a nice way to the make-up artist that she's hurt your feelings or what not I'm sure he/she will apologize. If the make-up artist does not apologize then you can report he/she to their manager.
I've been lucky to only come across a handful of rude or obnoxious know-it-all customers. On your next visit to your favourite make-up counter remember that we're not just there to fetch your products. We're there to enhance your natural beauty, to listen to your boy problems, to chat about the latest in fashion, to share a laugh or two, and give you tips on maintaining your super hot self. We can be your best friend or your worst enemy! Have it your way!
I'd love to hear your stories about a rude customer or make-up artist so please share!