The feminist movement - beauty women

"Women Empowered" the term has its roots in the feminist movement is no longer really relevant in today's society. In fact, the term "feminist" rarely appears in the conversations. 'Feminist' evokes images of suffragettes, 1940-1960 activists and demonstrators, often with trousers and shirts for men, while the struggle for political and social reform on behalf of oppressed women. Their courageous struggle for social justice and equality paved the way for future generations of women. And always be remembered and honored.

The empowerment of women in law and policy
The term "empower women" is the nomenclature used today to cover the conversion of gender equality, or "stage when men and women realize their full potential" (Women's Empowerment: Measuring of the Global Gender Gap 2005). Over the past thirty years there has been a public recognition that empower women to increase social equality, economic and political. However, progress has been slow as women's empowerment addresses the heart of our patriarchal society.
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And the statistics are still grim. According to The Economist, in the western world ", only 2% of the heads of Fortune 500 companies and five in the FTSE 100 index of stock market are women" and "Women represent less than 13% of board members in the United States. " And a 2010 survey showed that Womenomics "In the top 101 U.S. companies, women represent only 15% of the executive committee members and only 7% in the 26 top 101 European companies. In Asia figure is only 3% "Over 50% of companies in the S & P 100 have no female representation in executive highest paid. Worse, Apple, Intel, Exxon and Citigroup are among the major U.S. companies have no women on its Executive Committee.
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The most attractive component of the term "empowerment"
For hundreds of thousands of us, is the aphorism for women who are discovering and re-ignite its intuitive and inherent suppressed feminine values, those values ​​that embody the inner strength that we need to survive anything (the tragedy, adversity, anguish, loss and misfortune). And the power to assess, cultivate, care for, love.

In our teens and twenties we only dream of women aspiring to become, but for 30, 40, and 50 'crucial event that triggers our values ​​manifest inner female: can be anything from a "feeling" that we have to be more to life and to us, or performing a job that there is nothing more or may be a significant life change of nuclear event, or series of moments that add up to an epiphany.
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When we recognize and accept that by turning our feminine values ​​that are able to overcome whatever life throws at us, spontaneously begin the transition to becoming an empowered woman.

A transition that is about having the courage to speak, to make a difference, to explore beyond the limits we set for ourselves and those established by society. It is self-love, self-esteem and self-respect, but to get in the top of our list to be emotionally, intellectually and physically available to others.