...Lise Watier Holiday Collection continued!
II. 24 Carats Lip Gloss and Precious Eyeliners Liquid Liner Duo

With Lise Watier’s 24 Carats Lip Gloss and Precious Eyeliners Duo in tow, the hanging Christmas lights won’t be the only thing sparkling this season. The warm gold gloss and metallic liquid liners will help you achieve a delightfully rich holiday look!

24 Carats (pictured above) is a warm gold gloss with sparkles that brilliantly reflect the light. It has just enough stick to keep the sparkle where you apply it and feels comfortable on the lips. The gloss can be a bit gooey when coming out of the tube, but you quickly forget about that once you see the results. Usually I’m not a fan of smells when it comes to make-up, but the vanilla scent is so light that I actually find it pleasant! You can use 24 Carats on top of bare lips for a perfect pairing with a smoky eye (a la Magic Eye Pearls eyeshadow and eyeliner combination as in the
previous post). Or layer it atop your favourite lipstick to kick up your lip look with some glitter. Any way you wear it, Lise Watier’s 24 Carats gloss is sure to give you a look that sparkles this holiday!

In addition to a smoky eye, another great pairing for 24 Carats is the liquid liner duo of Precious Eyeliners (see pic above). The liner comes with classic black on one end, and either metallic gold or silver on the other end. For a precious metals inspired look, apply the metallic eyeliner first keeping it tight to the lashline and drawing it slightly thicker. Use the black liquid liner next and again keep it tight to the lash line, but this time using a lighter hand to draw a thinner line. You can even smudge the metallic liquid liner to get a long-lasting intense eyeshadow effect. Just be sure to work quick, as lliquid iner generally tends to dry up fairly quickly. The two-in-one action of the liner duo is fab - just pop that baby in your purse, and you’re set for when need to take your daytime look into night!
24 Carats Gloss and Precious Eyeliners Duo make a killer combination, but both of these products can be mixed with the other fabulous products of Lise Watier's collection. See more from Lise Watier