Makeup Junkie's sister site,
Makeup 'n The Bride, has undergone a fabulous makeover and I'm VERY excited to launch the new site! There are many great features including bridal beauty looks, beauty tips, and product reviews of must-haves that are "in my kit"! If you're a bride or know someone getting married, visit the site for all your bridal beauty needs!

To view the new site visit
www.makeupandthebride.com and please update your blog-roll and subscribe to the new feed! I will no longer be updating Makeup 'n The Bride in Blogger. Check out the new site and send me an email - I'd love to hear any feedback!
Web design and graphics all by James Tilberg. Thank you for all your fantastic work and for making this site possible! For quotes on web design, please email me directly for James Tilberg's contact information.