October 1st marks the beginning of
Think Pink month here at Makeup Junkie! This special month will be all about raising awareness and money for Breast Cancer Awareness. October 1st - October 31st Makeup Junkie will be doing our part in getting you in the know so be ready for an informative yet fun-filled month dedicated to a special cause: you and your breasts! Here's what's coming up in October:
Estee Lauder and its brands will be selling 24 Pink Ribbon products to raise money for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Brands included are: Aveda, Bobbi Brown, Bumble and Bumble, Clinique, Darphin, Donna Karan, Jo Malone, La Mer, Lab Series Skincare for Men, Ojon, Origins, Prescriptives, Tommy Hilfiger Toiletries and Sean Jean Fragrances. Stay tuned for Pink product reviews from some of these brands as well as other brands also participating in BCA!

Makeup Junkie will be participating in
Comments For A Cure by The Beauty Blog Network starting
October 20 - October 22. Here's how it works: For every comment made on all blog posts during those 3 days Makeup Junkie will donate $1 for every comment to
The Breast Cancer Awareness Fund! So be ready to comment for a good cause! Also, help spread the word by visiting my fellow bloggers participating in BCA. Check out
The Beauty Blog Network for product reviews, contests and to donate! My fellow Total Beauty bloggers are also Thinking Pink! Check out the
TotalBeauty.com to see participating bloggers.

And just for fun and to keep you guys Thinking Pink, I will be wearing and featuring my favourite pink coloured product of the day for the whole month of October!
Makeup Junkie also wants to hear from
you! Send in a personal story you'd like to share related to BCA on Makeup Junkie. We want to help get the word out so hearing from you is important. Email your stories or comments to
joy@makeupjunkie.ca. Feel free to add a personal photo to go along with your story. Help find a cure!
For more information visit
http://www.bcrfcure.org/ to see how you can help.