Well, like professional laser hair removal, it is a step-by-step process that you must be committed to. I received this a couple of months ago and gave up pretty easily. Don't expect to see results right away. I decided to give it a try again now that hot summer weather is calling for frequent shaving (that never really gives me a close enough shave!). I let my hair grow to an obscene amount (my poor husband lol) and gave the no! no! another whirl.
The time it takes to remove the hair depends on the area of hair removal, the density and coarseness of the hair. I removed hair from my legs and I have a lot and it's very coarse. The no! no! is simple enough to use; just run it steadily along your legs with the arrow pointing up. If the green light is steady and consistent then you are doing it correctly. There is a blade for long hair and for short hair.
In the beginning, you don't feel any pain but because my hair is coarse I had to go over it in the same spot a few times. After a while, I started to feel a slight stinging, burning sensation. The stinging was manageable but it's supposed to be painless! A weird odor, like hair and flesh burning (yum!), also occurs. It says it'll only last in the beginning but I notice it every time. After each section is done, you have to buff it with a buffer that gets rid of the old hair and smooths out the area. Four hours later with a sore back and my day half gone, my legs were done! I was annoyed it took 2 hours to complete each leg and my legs still looked like I had stubble! They were somewhat smooth but within an hour parts of my legs started to grow stubble. There is supposed to be no irritation but a few hours later and into the next day my legs were unbelievably itchy! On the 3rd time, my short hair blade broke and only after 5 hrs of use altogether! I was taking it out of the no! no! and it popped open on its own (the box is supposed to come with 5 blades to start but I only received 2 short blades and 1 long one)! I tried to put it back together but the wire inside was completely bent.
To see true results you must no! no! your legs 2-3 times a week. As painful as the first 4 hours were, the 2nd and 3rd were still a little painful but I was able to do both legs in 2 hours (woohoo!). Gradually your hair will grow less and become less coarse, but this is still to be determined. I'm not totally sold on the no! no! yet, but I'm going to be a trooper and give it a fair run! Hairless legs forever is worth it right? Stay tuned for Week 2!