Beauty Review: Bright Eyes and Pouty Lips!

Benefit is known for easy-to-use fix-its to achieving that flawless face we all strive for. It's no wonder makeup artist, Carmindy (who I met and took a picture with last month at Sephora! I'll save that for another post), from TLC's "What Not To Wear" has been made the spokesperson for Benefit's Eye Bright Pencil and a few other products from the line. Carmindy has used this magical pencil time and time again on the makeover victims of "What Not To Wear" which had left them looking bright eyed and youthful.

I was curious to try this little wonder out so I picked one up and tested it as soon as I got home. Eye Bright promises to hide the I-was-partying-way-too-late-last-night look and make you appear awake and alert instantly. I dabbed the soft pink pencil in the corner of my eyes and on the outer corner just like the instructions said to. I even drew a line where my dark circles are just like Carmindy does on the show. After I blended (you don't want to overblend by the way), the end result was not pretty. The soft pink casted a grey shadow on my skin and made me look ashy! However, when I tried it on a girlfriend of mine who is fair skinned it looked wonderful! Conclusion: fab find for my fair skinned friends but not for me and anyone else who has darker skin. Maybe Benefit could create an Eye Bright in a soft peach shade for people with medium-dark to dark-skinned people? Who else is with me?? lol

I love Benefit's Lip Plump for many reasons: it's a great lip primer, fills in lines giving lips a smooth appearance, allows you to contour and shape the lips for a poutier effect without the annoying tingling sensation other lip plumpers give, and can be used to cancel redness in the lips so you can wear any lip colour your heart desires! I've used it on many women who have never been able to wear light colours because of the redness in their lips and after using Lip Plump they were hooked! I also use it on set and it keeps the lip colour on all day without flaking or getting cakey. A little goes a long way and you only need 3 little dabs on the lips. Pat into lips and wait a few minutes before applying lip colour. It's a definite fab find for anyone! Happy shopping!