Between the week of May 23-26 marks the first ever
Toronto Week of Style which I along with other fellow bloggers, will be covering and reporting on! What exactly is the Toronto Week of Style you ask? It's an exciting celebration of Art, Design, Film and Fashion. The week will include six fashion shows over four days showcasing work from over 30 designers all over the globe including the top in Canadian design. Executive Producer, Zaigham Zulqernain, created the Toronto Week of Style to support the up and coming talent in the style industry by giving them the channels to communicate to the masses the trends for up coming seasons. It will also provide the fashion industry's most important people - us the consumers, direct access to what's currently on the market now as compared to normal Fashion Week where you have to wait nine months to buy what you saw on the runway. While fashion is the foundation of style it will also focus on creators of lifestyle components such as cosmetics, hair care, liquor, phones, and cars. A city without style is not a city at all and Toronto's definitely got style! Stay tuned for my coverage of the events!
here for more information on the designers, venues, and times. Click here to
RSVP - it's a free event! How sweet is that??