H&M is not just a clothing line with cool accessories anymore but they will soon carry their own make-up line starting this summer! The line will include a bronzing stick, brush, powder in a pretty make-up case and eyeshadow in a box, a make-up palette with ten eye shadow colours ranging from bronzy browns to coral pinks which also holds a shimmery highlighter, natural brown mascara, creamy beige pink and rose lip colours, and a matching nail varnish or French manicure! The collection will also include body care products and accessories such as brushes, make-up and toiletry bags.
H&M has always been known for its trendy remakes of high fashion clothes at affordable prices. I love how H&M has taken the next step by recruiting designers like Stella McCartney, Victor and Rolf, and now singers (??) like Madonna to create clothing lines for their brand. It's genius marketing and now they're venturing into the world of beauty. I wonder if they'll have top make-up artists create a collection for them like someone by the name of PAT MCGRATH!! Yes, she is the creator behind the new collections of Cover Girl and Max Factor but those brands have a certain look I'm sure she has to stay within. H&M, however, she'd be able to create whatever she wanted! Anyways, I'm getting carried away now!
I've always loved how reasonably priced H&M clothes were mind you the quality is not always the greatest, so I'm curious to see how their make-up line will compare. The press release didn't give an exact date but I assume it will probably be sometime in May/June. I guess we'll all have to wait until then to try/buy the new collection. Happy shopping!