I'm fairly new to this whole blogging thing, but is it just me or is there snobbery amongst the beauty blog community?? I only thought cliques only happened in the real world but apparently it happens in the world of blogging as well. I know some do not do it intentionally, but I've come across some bloggers (who will remain nameless) who choose not to list you on their site for whatever reason. Is there harm in adding a fellow blogger to your list? I think not and I take it as a compliment that someone would want to be added to my list. It's really quite sad because we're all writing about one thing we all have in common and that's beauty products!
Before I started my own blog, I read these blogs almost on a daily basis (still do read them). And if it weren't for their readers they wouldn't be where they are today. I notice a big difference now between just being a reader and a fan compared to being a fellow blogger. When you're a reader, the bloggers are so greatful to you but when you're a blogger it's like you're the enemy. The reason I started this blog is because I love to write and I love beauty products. I've had many customers tell me their beauty concerns and I thought this would be a great way to answer their beauty questions. Anyways, I thank those that have added me to their site and I will continue to be a faithful reader. And I know many of my readers will enjoy your site as well!