It's another manic Monday and I'm going a little crazy trying to prepare for a fashion show tomorrow (Green Carpet Series) while at the same time trying to feed, change, play with, and put to sleep my baby boy. To top it off, we have to get up early tomorrow to be up in Aurora by noon to see my husband's relatives off before they go back to Austrailia on Wednesday and then I have to make sure I'm back by 4 pm for call time. It always seems like everything happens at the same time!
Anyways, part of my preparation for the show included taking out any products that test on animals. As I looked at the list of companies that do not test on animals I was a little upset that some of my favourite brands were not on the list. All lot of my favourite products that I like to work with had to be taken out of my kit. While I love my lil' furry friends, I'm still on the fence about whether I would use a product or not based on animal testing. Like I said, a lot of my favourite products did not make the list so it would be very hard to say good bye to them. Plus, I'm a make-up junkie which makes it even worse! Thank goodness the majority of my kit is from M.A.C., however, I still have to pick up a few things at the M.A.C. store tomorrow to replace the products I can't use.
What are your thoughts on this topic? Would you stop using a brand that you love so much if you found out they tested on animals? To find out which companies test and do not test on animals visit Peta.org.